
about TalSI

i’m a Natural born psychic INTUITIVE. SINCE i was a little girl, i FOUND I was able to pick up The thoughts and feelings of people around me & those far away. as i grew, my gifts grew, as well as my connection to the spirit world. I have been blessed with claircognizance, and the gifts of telepatHY, clairsentienCE and clairaudience.

i started my career as an entertainment lawyer before forging my own path as a TAROT READER & spiritual coach. Today i provide services to clients all over the world.

i use PSYCHIC channeling AND tarot to identify where you are misaligned and i combine this with mindset AND manifestation techniques to help you move forward with happiness and success.

we are the co creators of our destiny. a psychic reading provides insight into our current reality and outcomes based on the choices we have made and continue to make that shape that reality. i empower clients to make the right choices so they can create THE OUTCOMES THEY truly desire. with spiritual and practical solutions, i also help to restore self-acceptance, confidence and self-love. i guide you back to the place where you’re most aligned. when we are in alignment, we are able to achieve anything.

Home is where the heart is - when you’re at home within yourself, You vibrate with love and you will create and attract all that aligns with your dreams.
